
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Favorite Books of 2018

I love the holidays, but i'm so glad their over! The stress is done, and now I can kick back and read! I'm in the middle of two books right now, but I'm not ready for another review, so I thought I could do a fun little blog and let you all know what my top 10 favorite books of 2018 were. Now I have been known to read a book well after it was published, and fall in love with it. Some of these books may be new releases from this year, or they may be from a previous year. I just love to read. No book is too old for me to pick up and dive in! These books are in NO particular order, I just logged into Goodreads, glanced at my read list and wrote down my favorites from this year!                                                      Verity by Colleen Hoover I don't know what kind of books you enjoy, but if you enjoy being EXTREMELY creeped out, very con...

Tripping On A Halo

Anyone else struggle trying to find time to read?? I LOVE reading so much, probably more than a normal person does, but with 4 kids, a job, and those same 4 kids being involved in various activities I always have a hard time finding spare moments to read! My latest read was Tripping on a Halo by Alessandra Torre . "He was saying I was a hoochie momma. Red-blooded slut tart. A Skankapotomus."  My past few books have leaned more on the heavy topic side, so I thought this was a safe read! The cover was cute, the preview seemed cute, and it started off pretty hilarious! Anytime a book starts off with the sentence "I had a giant penis in my purse." you pretty much know it's going to have some kind of humor in it.  In the beginning of the book we meet Autumn. She is seriously the best. This is my favorite kind of book character, the ones that are relatable. She was awkward, strange, and just simply did not care what people thought about her. You quickl...

The Quiet You Carry

Here we go, my first book review, well my first book review for my blog anyway.  This review is for the book The Quiet You Carry by Nikki Barthelmess . I was given an advanced copy of this book from Netgalley for my honest review.  "But none of us can understand what's going on in another person's life from the outside looking in. No one can really see the quiet you carry, unless you let them." The book starts off with Victoria, a young girl, in her house talking to a woman from Child Protective Services. You find out they have been called by a police officer because Victoria has been locked outside of her house in the freezing cold in the early hours of the morning. The officer asks her if she wants to press chargers against her dad and she insists that nothing happened and that is not necessary. You don't find out what happens to get to this point until much later in the book, but throughout you can pretty much figure it out on your own.  Victoria gets...

A little something something about me..

Let me just start this off by saying I have no idea what I'm doing. This is definitely a work in progress. I love books, I love talking about books, I love recommending books, and I love giving my opinion on books. I figured what better way to do that then with a book review blog!  I guess if your here you might want to know a little more about me, you also might not really give a crap, but we're here and i'm going to tell you anyway. The basics are that I'm Nikki. I'm 31 (for 6 more days) I have 4 great kids, that keep me busier than I've ever been in my life. And a pretty great boyfriend of 10 YEARS, who has given me some knowledge about sports I would never know otherwise, just like I try to give him knowledge of books. (against his will.)   I would say my love of reading started early, in grade school. My school used to take "field trips" to the library every month. Most kids did not consider this a field trip, but I sure did. I wanted to...