Tripping On A Halo

Anyone else struggle trying to find time to read?? I LOVE reading so much, probably more than a normal person does, but with 4 kids, a job, and those same 4 kids being involved in various activities I always have a hard time finding spare moments to read!

My latest read was Tripping on a Halo by Alessandra Torre.

"He was saying I was a hoochie momma. Red-blooded slut tart. A Skankapotomus."

 My past few books have leaned more on the heavy topic side, so I thought this was a safe read! The cover was cute, the preview seemed cute, and it started off pretty hilarious! Anytime a book starts off with the sentence "I had a giant penis in my purse." you pretty much know it's going to have some kind of humor in it. 

In the beginning of the book we meet Autumn. She is seriously the best. This is my favorite kind of book character, the ones that are relatable. She was awkward, strange, and just simply did not care what people thought about her. You quickly find out that Autumn thinks she has been chosen as a "guardian angel" tasked with the job of protecting Declan, an architect. What it really looks like to any sane person looking in is that she is stalking him. 

The point of view switches from Autumn to Declan, and you very quickly find out that Declan is aware he has a stalker. And hilarity ensues. 

As the story goes on, you find out why Autumn does the things she does, why she is so awkward, and why she thinks she needs to protect Declan. I don't want to give too much away, because I don't want this review to be a spoiler, but you learn some things have happened to Autumn leading up to all of this, and she has actually been through quite a lot. 

I really enjoyed Declan. I thought he was a great "book boyfriend." He had a sense of humor, which was desperately needed when he and Autumn had their first real interaction. The book definitely had some steamy scenes, so if your into that kind of thing you won't be disappointed. I felt like they fit into the story, and they weren't over the top. 

The side characters in this book were supurb. They were all hilarious and were the kind of people you wish you had in your life. I really wanted to be a part of Autumns family. Her sister, Ainsley, seemed like she was the best! 

While this was a light fun read, there was also a part in the end of the book where it got a little sad. I would be lying if I said I didn't tear up, and I quickly thought maybe this wasn't the right choice for a read after the dark and gloomy. But fear not, it does end on a happy note! 

Overall, I give this book 4 STARS. I think what kept me from a 5 star rating was that some things seemed a little rushed. I kind of wished either the story was a little longer, or maybe the timeline was a little different, so it didn't seem like everything happened so fast. It felt like a lot of the story was explained and then we got to the end and some of the things that I felt like needed a little more explaining were maybe rushed a tad too much for my liking. 

Not sure what's next to read, but a new review will be posted soon! 


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