Long Live the Beautiful Hearts

If you follow my blog, this review is for the conclusion to the Beautiful Hearts duet. Bring Down the Stars was hands down one of the best books I've read in a long time, and the conclusion did not disappoint. 

"There is sweetness in life. True love will find you and you will know no pain, only joy."

This book starts off right where the first book ends. Please, please read the last review before you read this one! And PLEASE read these books. I promise you it is worth it. Autumn receives word that there was a death in Weston and Connors unit, and there have also been injuries. Naturally, she is heartbroken and assuming the worst. I'm not going to lie, I thought the last book was ending with Weston dying. I liked Connor's character, but I didn't like him with Autumn, and I did not want the two of them to end up together. Autumn and Weston were meant to be, it was obvious to me from the start. Thankfully, you find out neither of them were killed in combat, just injured. Both are honorably discharged, and left to deal with the aftermath of the lies from the first book, and the injuries that they were left with from war. 

"For you, I'd bring down the stars. Wreath their fire around your neck like diamonds, and watch them burn you with my lies.."

"You are running." Professor O tapped his forehead with one finger. "Up here. You've been running from who you are for years, haven't you? Though it's a terrible lesson to learn, I can't help but feel this is the universe's way of saying now you're going to sit down and take it. You're going to sit and be with who you are, Wes. Maybe for the first time in your life."

This paragraph is going to be a SPOILER so don't read on if you don't want anything ruined for you. In combat, Wes rushes into enemy fire to save Connor, Wes ends up shot in the back and 3 other places. As a result of his injuries he is paralyzed and wheel chair bound. This is devastating for someone who got into college for his running, running was his life. This is also a huge blow to his ego, and his already fragile outlook on himself. Connor distances himself from Wes after they learn the extent of his injuries, because he feels like looking at Wes is just a reminder of how everything leading up to this is his fault. 

The friendship between the boys suffers, but Autumn and Wes grow closer because they are back at school together. They are both fighting the obvious, that they are in love, and they are meant to be together. Autumn is trying to guard her heart, after Connor broke it, and Wes doesn't want to let her all the way in until he can finally tell her the truth about everything that went down during her and Connor's relationship. 

"You love her. Your words are back. You have no choice but to tell her the truth now."

While all the characters had some sort of growth in this book, there was none more so than Wes. In book one he started of as a brooding guy, labeled an asshole, keeping his poetry a secret, and letting everyone but himself have a chance at happiness. It was such a relief to see him face such a tragedy but come out on top. To see him face the trials and tribulations in his life and come out swinging, it was so refreshing. I couldn't have been happier to see him finally get his shot at happiness. 

This book does have a happily ever after, it will definitely cause you some major anxiety getting to that point though. All of these characters that had been through so much, and loved each other so fiercely deserved their "happily ever afters" 

Overall, I'm giving this one 5 STARS. Just like the one before it, it tore my heart to pieces and messed with my emotions. The character growth was superb, and I wish they would just go ahead and make both these books movies, because they really are just that fantastic. 

SPOILER..how can you NOT give a book 5 stars when he proposes in a LIBRARY? I mean, come on! 

*all graphics were found on google.*


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