
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Kiss Thief

I love when I get a random snow day at work it gives me so much time to knock out a book! Sometimes I'll pick a very highly rated book on Goodreads, just to see if it lives up to the hype. A lot of times I will think a book is fabulous, and it will be rated pretty low (in book standards), but that doesn't detour me from reading any book. In this case I did choose a pretty highly rated book to see if it lived up to the hype. I was not disappointed. This book was very very good.  "Falling in love was so tragic. No wonder it made people so sad." The Kiss Thief is about Francesca, or Frankie, she is the daughter of a mob boss in Chicago. She lives a very sheltered life. She is basically raised to believe the only thing a woman is good for is marrying into a good family, being a good wife, and sitting back and watching things from the sidelines. The story starts with her getting ready for a masquerade ball in town, she is supposed to be introduced to some suitors th...

Queen of Klutz

This was a far cry from the last two emotional books that I read. This was definitely more of a comedy book. I think most would categorize it under romantic comedy, but I didn't feel like there was a whole lot of romance. This is a bit of a change from what I normally read, and now I know why I usually stick with what I like...a good ol sobfest that causes me emotional turmoil. But this was a nice change!  "When life hands you lemons...Rub them all over my open wounds, and laugh?" It was the blurb that got me with this one. It was hysterical. Anytime the blurb tells you that the main character was dumped and found her boyfriend in bed with another MAN you know the book is going to be hilarious. Sibby was hilarious. She had no idea what she was doing in life, she was like a child in a woman's body, and she was pretty much just winging life. I liked Aiden, it was clear from the get go that he was into her, and the fact that he let her run around and pretend like...

Long Live the Beautiful Hearts

If you follow my blog, this review is for the conclusion to the Beautiful Hearts duet. Bring Down the Stars was hands down one of the best books I've read in a long time, and the conclusion did not disappoint.  "There is sweetness in life. True love will find you and you will know no pain, only joy." This book starts off right where the first book ends. Please, please read the last review before you read this one! And PLEASE read these books. I promise you it is worth it. Autumn receives word that there was a death in Weston and Connors unit, and there have also been injuries. Naturally, she is heartbroken and assuming the worst. I'm not going to lie, I thought the last book was ending with Weston dying. I liked Connor's character, but I didn't like him with Autumn, and I did not want the two of them to end up together. Autumn and Weston were meant to be, it was obvious to me from the start. Thankfully, you find out neither of them were killed in ...

Bring Down the Stars

First off let me say, I hate this book. That's a lie. I loved it. I loved it so much, and I am so so angry with it right now. It's been a long time since I felt a range of emotions like that while reading a book. Also, my book buddy would not give me ANY spoilers, even when I desperately texted her begging for them, so that really sucked. haha This one was good guys. So stinking good.  "Do you know why the dawn is so beautiful, Autumn? Dad asked. Because every day is another chance for something amazing. You just have to be ready for it."  This book was everything. It completely ripped my heart out and just left it laying on the floor. I thought I was going crazy, and at one point I wanted to just give up and call it quits, because I just didn't think I could take it anymore. These characters were everything. This would make one epic movie. And I think this is hands down one of the best books I've read in a while, and I've read so so many good on...

Tell Me Something Real

I was looking for an emotional read with the book before this, and while The Memory Book was pretty emotional it was nothing like this one. I found this book randomly while searching through Kindle Unlimited books, and I am so glad I did. This book was everything. And I ugly cried myself all the way through the last few chapters.  "It took one move, one Podunk town-shit, one girl- to realize that we're all just people. Rich, poor, talented,awkward-we're all just people, trying to survive the world that seems hell bent on trying to ruin us before we can find our place." This story is about Ford, a spoiled rich boy, who is forced to move to the farm and finish off his Senior year living with his grandparents after an accident that embarrassed his dad, and threatened to tarnish his dad's upstanding reputation. Ford is a tough guy, who really doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything, and just wants to get this "punishment" over with. There, ...

The Memory Book

I've been reading so many mysteries, hot and steamy books, and funny books. Sometimes I just like a good cry when I read a book, so I was on the hunt for one. Do any of you have any good emotional reads? Those are my favorite, sometimes it's a good stress relief just to get a good cry out.                                                The Memory Book by Lara Avery "Stuart- What are you up to these days? Your debating in one of the most prestigious competitions in the country, right? Sammie- No. No I'm not. Stuart- Oh really? What a shame. What are you doing instead? Sammie- Oh, just, you know, diseasin'. Diseasin' around." This book was about Sammie, a high school senior, who has an incurable disease. Her disease is a genetic disorder that starts with memory loss, and then takes over her body. Sammie is a tough girl, I do feel like she is in a bit of den...

Letters to the Lost

I really have to give full credit to my boyfriend for the fact that I have been able to read SO much in such little time. He has not complained once about my nose being stuck in books, or me not really being 100% present because I've been completely absorbed in these books lately.  "Sometimes I think fate conspires against us. Or maybe fate conspires with us."                                             Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer I loved this book. I loved the plot, I loved the characters, I loved it all.  The book starts with Declan finding a letter in the cemetery where he is mowing for community service. It's a letter to someone's mother, and it seems to have been left at her headstone. Against his better judgement Declan finds himself responding to the letter. The letter was written by Juliet, a 17 year old girl from the high school...

All The Little Lights

This was a pretty easy book to read, I think because it had the whole air of mystery surrounding it. I've been really lucky lately that I have been able to find the time to knock so many books out!                                              All The Little Lights by Jamie McGuire A couple different things drew me to this book. First of all I love Jamie McGuire. Beautiful Disaster is one of my favorite books. And second this cover is so beautiful. I really enjoyed the book. I thought there were a few parts that seemed a little slow, but overall it was a great read. They mystery really drew me in.  "My Uncle John says people can only make us angry if we let them, and if we let them, we give them power."  The story starts with Elliot in a tree, with a camera he got from his aunt. He sees a girl and her dad burying a pet in the yard and he can't peel his ey...

Be My Reason

Well you can't win them all...I've just finished my first "bad" book in a while. I hate that. I hate calling a book bad, sometimes it sucks reviewing books, especially when you run across one that just didn't do it for you. The thing about that is, there are many opinions out there, and while it wasn't the book for ME , it very well could be the book for YOU . I don't ever want to detour someone from reading, so please remember these are all my opinions, and that doesn't mean everyone feels the same. This book actually has a solid 4 star rating on Goodreads, so many people actually enjoyed it!                                              Be My Reason by Samantha Christy This one has actually been on my Kindle for a while. I got it through Kindle Unlimited, and I'm trying to clear out all the books i've borrowed through that to make room for more, so I started with thi...

Boys of Brayshaw High

I feel like I have been choosing some REALLY good reads lately, because the reviews just keep coming. I got lucky with this one because I won an advanced copy from the author! I was at like 20% of this book yesterday morning and then I could NOT put it down. This is my FAVORITE kind of YA romance type know the ones where there are no parents and these kids just come and do as they please. Umm yes! There is always so much trouble these kids find themselves in, and I love it!                                          Boys of Brayshaw High by Meagan Brandy First I have to say that I LOVE this cover. I love the colors, and it is so perfect for the story. This is my second book by Meagan and she is amazing! Her books are the kind that suck you in and keep you wanting more. I think it a post on Facebook I compared it to crack, and that is so accurate. Book crack. I coul...

Trailer Park Heart

Another week, another book review. I'm hoping my reading can keep up like this all year long. If so, you all are in for a lot of reviews, which is basically the plan! I know life will catch up, and reading will get harder to do, but for now i'll take all the time i'm able to!                                            Trailer Park Heart by Rachel Higginson This book basically caught my attention within the first couple paragraphs. Ruby was cynical, but she was funny. She seemed relatable, and her sassy attitude really made it easy to want to get to know her more, and find out her story.  " I didn't choose the trailer trash life, the trailer trash life definitely chose me." Rachel Higginson is a new author to me, but I've never been one to shy away from trying out someone brand new. I enjoyed her writing, the story was interesting, and the romance was definit...